What I Did When I Felt Distant
You are not the only one who feels distant from God. It's always when you’re at GOAT (Greatest of All Time) status that the enemy throws his fastest and hardest curveball. Elijah is a great example of an elite prophet who would be at all the celebrity red carpet events as the kings of his time constantly requested his presence, interpretation, and word from the Lord for battle prep, personal health assessment, dissertation, admonition, and direction from God. Yet, his greatest feat would be followed by his ultimate greatest depression. This is a prophet whose signature move always included “fire”. But it wasn’t arson that brought this prophet to be on the lamb and go into hiding.
Directly after Elijah brought all the Baal prophets to a sacrificial “mortal combat” comp of whose God would hear their prayers and send fire, Elijah won as he called on a mighty God and they a statue. However, the most powerful woman(Queen Jezebel) was less than impressed by his fireballs and God moments and immediately issued a death penalty warrant on him. Elijah was interfering with her vibe and his response was to run for his life.
His highlight Reel and all the faith he had just exhibited in front of an entire country of God’s power and exuberant spirit seemed to dissipate with every step and he found himself in a cave alone cowering, crying as it seemed he was the last one. He was all alone. He slept and awoke to God asking him a single question. What are you doing here? He told the Lord the events that transpired. He was told to eat. When the God of the Universe tells you you're hangry that must be a stomach needing fill. Once he had eaten, God threw statistics at this wanted prophet of the startin
gly amount of people that followed God alongside him. He was far from alone.
Sometimes after our hardest battles and greatest victories we need to be looking for the enemy's jab to come swinging at us because our HP (hitpoints) may be at an all-time vulnerable status. If we know this then we can guard our minds from severe depression and suicidal tendencies because if a prophet who would one day leave this earth in an Uber Fire struggles with depression, we definitely will. The enemy will target-lock us especially when we are doing well and seeing victories so he can eliminate his competition.
So what do we do? Eat but not just food. We need to be hungry for God’s Word and it is life. It breathes peace into the anxiety that the enemy pours into your mind. You also have to be the keeper of whose words get time in your ear. Be mindful that when you royal and you want to attract the right kings and queens, your squad cannot be all jesters because our circle influences us. If you find yourself lost, look who's in your ear. Do they breathe life or speak death? Sometimes an obituary to a friendship can be the hardest and God calls us to love our friends, but He does not encourage wise men/women to have fools given us life advice. We are to have many advisors in our lives and if they despise discipline, structure, and wisdom, and you chase validation from them your peace will never be reached. The death threat from the queen and the cause/effect displayed how Elijah ranked her in his validation system.
We must be careful that not everyone’s voice gets the same weight. God’s voice and affirmation should have more weight than a wicked queen.