American Idols
The prophet Jeremiah was obsolete in his day. He was a man whose calling in life was to speak the cold hard truth. His message was not popular. It did not pack out stadiums or get air time on the radio. He was ignored and despised. His message was a simple one... Get rid of your earthly idols... stop bowing down to statues that were built by men and cannot walk or think.. instead, worship God whom no earthly statue can truly represent or compare with...
The people had all forgotten.. they forgot all the good deeds God had done for their great-grandfathers and fathers.. they were caught up in the now.. fulfilling their desires.. following the worlds advice on worship.. and leaving God completely out of the equation...
Just like a woman is "jealous" over her husband, not wanting any other woman for him but herself,... so is God.. over us... Jealous in a good sense... He saw the people of Jersualem "wasting their time" dancing and celebrating around an item made of gold...
God told Jeremiah that he wanted to be the potter and the people his clay to mold... to be usuable to Him.. to witness to those who had lost their way.. instead of usable, willing Christians.. he found the people sneaking into the mountains and in each others tents..secretly fulfilling the pleasures of their hearts.. with absolutely no thought of Him.. they had forgotten where they came from...
Jeremiah's warning that God was watching and angry at his people came with death threats.. The people began plotting to kill the messenger... they did not want a "judge" or a "lawman".. they wanted to live their life any way they wished without consequence...
We sometimes.. forgot where we came from.. we sometimes.. become angry at those who tell us we are wrong.. we ignore church.. ignore God.. because we are too busy "worshiping" or "giving all of our time" to earthly things.. the TV.. our phones... our music.. our jobs.. money.. they are idols in our life.. and we cant think of the last time.. we've given.. a few minutes to the God we once.. in childhood.. gave our hearts to.. we have broken His heart.. and found someone or something else to take His place.. May we tear down these idols from their "high places" and make room in our hearts for the One who loved us... before we were ever formed...