The Greatest Infection

No one could have imagined a world where we were sequestered to our homes. Roaming aimlessly from room to room, becoming over night home school teachers, constant entertainers, for some "increased drinkers". Each one examined by work performance as essential or nonessential to our seemingly halted society. It is a time of pandemic. Death charts and graphics bombard our screens crippling some to fear, others to hoard, many to pray. What has happened to our world? The world we know. Why did life seem so ideal in February yet so bleak in March? And what will April yield? More death.. more pain.. more scars..

Job 12:24-25 says "He deprives the heads of the people of the earth of understanding, and causes them to wander in a pathless wasteland. They grope in darkness with no light; He makes them stagger like a drunkard".

We are all helpless. No one knows who will pick up COVID-19 next. There is no cure. Progress is definitely being made, but for now, to many, it all seems like a pathless wasteland and we are all groping around in darkness desperately searching for light. While hopelessness may abound, we dont have to fixate on the unknown. One thing that takes away power from the greatest oppressor is trusting in God and putting our hope not in science, leaders, and medicine, but in the only true Physician, Jesus. What is this pandemic keeping me away from that may be exactly what I needed in life? Are their idols in my life that have been keeping me away from my greatest relationship with God? Have i been staggering in a pathless wasteland being blown and tossed by the wind? James 1:6 "For a person with divided loyalty is like a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind".

How loyal are we to God? How much trust do we really have in God? Do we really believe He has the best for us or do we feel like He is holding back from us? How many times do we really have to face infection, that it catapults us to run into His arms for healing? Why do we remain unmoved even when provided a remedy for our infectious hearts? I know that staggering in the darkness can be the most out of control and lonely path we may ever travel. Yet we may find ourselves chasing that life. We yearn for the disease of sin because we never have understood the freedom of the healing antidote. We remain sick and fevered because we long to be in control. And the more control we take, the more sick we become inside and out. I hope that during this Pandemic, we start walking away from the chains of sickness and into the arms of the Healer so we can finally enjoy the freedom from our own worst infections.


Anonymous said…
Well said!! Thank you

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