The Search for a Cure
Isolation continues as the infection litters the globe exposing one person after another with its powerful virus. As of April 9, 2020, over 14,000 people have died across the US alone from this respiratory disease. Most of us have not experienced a true understanding of what disease really is in many ways until now. The finality, consequences, of a single decision can lead to immediate infection and, just as quickly, the end of a life. How cruel can this disease be? As some argue the origins, one must look at it's core. It's here and we cannot deny it anymore. We all must take action and responsibility at some point. For many, this pandemic has brought some to God. Non-church going Americans are streaming services online and beginning to seek out the true Healer amidst this decaying and broken world. Others chase after things that may bring temporary satisfaction and entertainment. What are we really chasing after?
Doesn't this virus and the search for a cure bring us all to a state of how truly out of control we really are? If we could see a trailer of our life, would we see ourselves chasing after so many expired, outdated, shame-filling "remedies" that have shook us to our core? These "broken remedies" have left us sick, infected, choking... grasping for air. The pain of our decisions have outweighed the temporary happiness, yet still we chase after the next new normal. We seemingly cant help ourselves and instead of being still and truly looking at our greatest infection, we slap a Band-aid on and ignore what the virus is really doing to our very souls. We can only shake it for so long before we become "hospital bound". This is the point where the rescuer(s) are called in to begin trying to reverse our irreparable damaged organs. Even them, we infect in many ways. If we could only know before hand how much damage our infection really costs, would we still risk getting infected?
Job from the Bible knew firsthand about disease, infection, loss, grief. He lost everything he owned, all his children, his bank roll, his business, and his good health almost overnight. His wife told him to curse God and die as he went from powerful to completely powerless. His "friends" came over but did nothing but accuse him. His squad was not the best encouragers, in fact, they wasted words of nonsense that blamed (like news channels) instead of blessed. One thing he found solace in amidst disaster was this "If you want to live the right way, you must not do wrong things. If you want to be wise, you should not be afraid to obey God."Job 28:28
What if the cure is.. fear...? When we implemented fear into COVID-19, we began to isolate the disease. Job did something similar... He chased God in isolation. While quarantined, he feared God and trusted him even when it cost him everything. He put his pleasures, his wants aside and looked pass the loss and grief and pursued wisdom. In the end, Job was restored and healed and received double of all he lost. While this may not happen to most of us, it wont hurt us to reset, be still, and truly learn to love and fear the only One who will always have the cure.... He's waiting at the closest testing site for us to recognize our symptoms, confess them, and let Him lead us to our greatest healing. Only then will we learn to surrender our hearts, our life, our path and trust that He will lead us to something far greater than our own broken remedies.. He will lead us to our cure....
What if who I hoped to be was always me?
And the love I fought to feel was always free?
What if all the things I've done
Were just attempts at earning love?
'Cause the hole inside my heart is stupid deep, stupid deep
What if where I've tried to go was always here?
And the path I've tried to cut was always clear?
Why has life become a plan,
To put some money in my hand?
When the love I really need is stupid cheap, stupid cheap
(Song Stupid Deep by Jon Bellion)
Doesn't this virus and the search for a cure bring us all to a state of how truly out of control we really are? If we could see a trailer of our life, would we see ourselves chasing after so many expired, outdated, shame-filling "remedies" that have shook us to our core? These "broken remedies" have left us sick, infected, choking... grasping for air. The pain of our decisions have outweighed the temporary happiness, yet still we chase after the next new normal. We seemingly cant help ourselves and instead of being still and truly looking at our greatest infection, we slap a Band-aid on and ignore what the virus is really doing to our very souls. We can only shake it for so long before we become "hospital bound". This is the point where the rescuer(s) are called in to begin trying to reverse our irreparable damaged organs. Even them, we infect in many ways. If we could only know before hand how much damage our infection really costs, would we still risk getting infected?
Job from the Bible knew firsthand about disease, infection, loss, grief. He lost everything he owned, all his children, his bank roll, his business, and his good health almost overnight. His wife told him to curse God and die as he went from powerful to completely powerless. His "friends" came over but did nothing but accuse him. His squad was not the best encouragers, in fact, they wasted words of nonsense that blamed (like news channels) instead of blessed. One thing he found solace in amidst disaster was this "If you want to live the right way, you must not do wrong things. If you want to be wise, you should not be afraid to obey God."Job 28:28
What if the cure is.. fear...? When we implemented fear into COVID-19, we began to isolate the disease. Job did something similar... He chased God in isolation. While quarantined, he feared God and trusted him even when it cost him everything. He put his pleasures, his wants aside and looked pass the loss and grief and pursued wisdom. In the end, Job was restored and healed and received double of all he lost. While this may not happen to most of us, it wont hurt us to reset, be still, and truly learn to love and fear the only One who will always have the cure.... He's waiting at the closest testing site for us to recognize our symptoms, confess them, and let Him lead us to our greatest healing. Only then will we learn to surrender our hearts, our life, our path and trust that He will lead us to something far greater than our own broken remedies.. He will lead us to our cure....
What if who I hoped to be was always me?
And the love I fought to feel was always free?
What if all the things I've done
Were just attempts at earning love?
'Cause the hole inside my heart is stupid deep, stupid deep
What if where I've tried to go was always here?
And the path I've tried to cut was always clear?
Why has life become a plan,
To put some money in my hand?
When the love I really need is stupid cheap, stupid cheap
(Song Stupid Deep by Jon Bellion)