Disarming a Monster

Arizona, the 48th state, (the last of the contiguous states), is back on the map... and not exactly for their tough stance on immigration.. Instead, all eyes are on a once easily forgotten man.. and a tough as nails, seemingly popular female representative..

What brought them together involved a handgun, one of the controversial stances held by many in the Copper state, yet silencing in its use... as vigils across the states were held due to its haunting and senseless exploitation...

Slideshows of the characters involved.. splash TV's across the world as we all stare into the eyes of a madman whose words littered one of the world's greatest websites (i.e. Youtube).. and yet.. went unheard... until now...

The haunting smile of Jared Loughner is not one we will soon forget... Jared the assassin.. will disgustingly litter the history books and websites like the terrorists before him... One man... who changed the lives of an entire grocery store parking lot.. in the second largest city in the state of Arizona...

Now.. while some use this opportunity to appear a hero.. and scatter their opinions to a media hungry audience... Others of us.. who live no where near Arizona ponder the players... the true heroes of this dark day... the 61 year old woman who wrestled the killer for his magazine... a young smoker running from Walgreens to help hold down the suspect.. an elderly man grazed in the head with a bullet.. "stopped the carnage" of where 20 innocents lay bleeding... strangers bold enough to battle an executioner...

This boldness comes from the purest of hearts who risks their lives for complete strangers.. Who face their persecuters with valor... and rise up from a population of 310 million people (approximatelY)... as American heroes...

Blaming in a time of pain and panic is a common after-affect... labeling this event as the consequence of a god-less nation is also an easy solution... but in retrospect, we must each search our hearts and ask God for strength and courage to look in the eyes of broken men and women all around us... and really see them...

Some form of mental illness has crept into almost every family across America.. Be it anxiety or fear or depression, paranoia... which strikes once fragile and impressionable minds and creates havoc internally... What can we do as one after another falls prey to Satan's war on the mind?... Pray... We may not stop a massacre at a Safeway.. as no one human can read the mind of a madman.. but we can become cautious observers.. who no longer walks blindly into a grocery store.. not with fear and loathing but with preparedness and a heart that seeks servitude...

We desperately need God in our lives... we need His mercy, His justice, His strength... then and only then can we slay the mighty giants that erupt on a sunny afternoon... and take them down.. with our feeble hands.. yet courageous hearts...

Source: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://morrisonworldnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Jared-Lee-Loughner-mugshot.jpg&imgrefurl=http://morrisonworldnews.com/%3Fp%3D38223&usg=__Uk_J2VeMOQq4BBewZQQjb4Y6iJQ=&h=300&w=300&sz=57&hl=en&start=93&sig2=1hlpCFdvuO3iG43X77kztA&zoom=1&tbnid=AQcZTVw5uVz8LM:&tbnh=157&tbnw=157&ei=AyAtTaqOJoa0lQeA6ZWJDA&prev=/images%3Fq%3DJared%2BLoughner%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D667%26tbs%3Disch:10,3885&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=758&vpy=258&dur=91&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=130&ty=138&oei=ih8tTdqlNIOKlweu542-CQ&esq=2&page=8&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:93&biw=1024&bih=667


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