Stop Surrendering! Fight For Love
Harsh... Everyone and everything seems so harsh sometimes... I think that is where we get wrinkles from... we watch the news... earthquake in Haiti... we work all day... take classes at night... to survive.. To compete... feed kids (not all of us, but do dogs count?), we have to eat, clean, make our beds, unmake them, how can we be kind... loving...gentle... not so harsh... to the ones we love... when we barely see them... and when they look at us wrong.... SNAP!
Today's love dare continues from last time... go another day with NO NEGATIVE COMMENT to the one you love... one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness... maybe throw ur coffee sugar packets in the trash..Or unsqueeze the toothpaste from the middle and roll it up like ur asked...
You know in today's love dare challenge the words kindness, patience, good, favor, and circumstances are repeated. That’s because love includes all of these. When you first meet the love of your life it is focused on all these things such as being kind to them, patient, looking at only the good, doing everything you can for them to favor you... but over the years...depending on the "circumstances" those things simply fade... like a dusty book or an old stamp collection...
We wonder why it’s not working... why we get bored... Why we begin to chat or look around... We want the whole "salary" but only do half the work... We want a loving, adventurous, romantic, secure relationship... but we aren’t kind, gentle, helpful, good, favorable... we are HARSH! We are not willing to be the first to forgive, first to greet, first to show affection... we don’t make the initiative we once did... Kindness was most likely one of the first things that drew you into a relationship... There was a time where you dreamed of sharing that "kindness" for the rest of your life... one day you wake up, 40 pounds heavier, thinking... what have we done and what am I doing? I’m not happy...
How would your other half, your kids, your extended family and friends describe you? Are you gentle or harsh? Have you taken an initiative to satisfy in "their love language" not yours... their need for love? We have our demands... we may not write them in a war book... but we write them on our hearts... If our demands are not met, we don’t fight anymore to keep the passion... keep the one we love in our life... we surrender... because its easy... and it’s what 50% of all Americans do in a relationship... We surrender all...when we walk away... when we give up...when we stop being gentle, helpful, willing, having initiative...
We need to fight for love... Morgan Page sings a song called “Fight for you”… the lyrics state
“Meeting you here, the night's alight with midnight cheer
our dust still unsettled, I feel the plucking of our petals
I'm drawing circles don't you know, protect the seed that wants to grow
to a garden, pardon my territory
2nd verse
Be friendly but cautious, you're gonna have to count your losses
Easily attracted, but dangerous to get distracted
I'm drawing circles don't you know, protect the seed that wants to grow
To a garden, pardon my territory
3rd verse
Isn't it about time you stuck up for me?
But what you can't see is we're under siege
and I only fight because I believe
Not gonna share you no …
This is so true… our relationships are under siege…. So many distractions... so many attractions… how do we keep together… what the whole world… wants to drag apart…. watch the video below... its a nice chill song...............
The Love Dare by Stephen and Alex Kendrick